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Access to, and use of, this web service is subject to the terms and conditions of the Disclaimer and all applicable laws and regulations, including laws and regulations governing copyrights and trademarks.
Errors and Omissions.  This is a working index and may contain errors and omissions due to errors in the preparation of the original document or in the indexing of the document.  The indexes are double entry verified after they are recorded.  It is recommended to search several different ways for each property.
Images.   The images are authentic reproductions of the actual documents and the quality is usually good.  However, blue or light-colored ink used on original documents will not reproduce well.  Older documents may be illegible since there was not requirement for legibility until 1997.
Wall Dates:  The general rule is that tract index (by legal description) is available the next working day after being recorded.  The image is available by noon of the next working day after the date recorded.  There are occasional exceptions due to equipment failure and high recording volumes.
Contact:  Please contact us if you have any questions about this website, to report any errors or omissions or if you must have more specific information about wall dates. 
Iowa County Register of Deeds
222 N Iowa Street
Dodgeville, WI  53533


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Our credit card integration with has been enhanced. You many notice some slight changes to the credit card authorization screens in Landshark.

LandShark customers can tract documents by legal description from 1/1/90, all plats and csms can be tracted from 1810 forward.  Grantor/Grantee search is available back through 1950.


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Version: 4.1.21